Jacynthe Masse

Jacynthe Sep 2014

My research looks at the nitrogen cycle and communities in reclaimed oil-sands soils and boreal naturally-burned soils in Northern Alberta. More specifically, I’m interested in understanding how the nitrogen cycle rebounds in these young soils and determining the role of nitrifying microorganisms communities in this cycle. I’m also interested in linking the interactions between the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle to see how they influence one another. I’m using a stable isotope approach to assess the nitrogen cycle in the soils and pyroseqencing of soil metagenome analyses to assess the diversity of organisms responsible for nitrogen cycling.

Since the oil sands are going to be Canada’s biggest environmental legacy, a good understanding of how we can successfully reclaim the affected ecosystems is a key to a greener future.

I did my BSc (honours) in environmental geography, specializing in physical geography, at the Université de Montréal. I also did my master’s thesis at the Université de Montréal specialized in soil science with Dr. François Courchesne.

Current degree
PhD in Forestry with Sue Grayston

Find out more about me at my website!

Selected publications

Courchesne F, Masse J and Girard M (2012) «The deep burial of Early Paleoindian artifacts in the Podzols of the Cliche-Rancourt site, Québec». In Chapdelaine C. (ed) «Late Pleistocene Archaeology and Ecology in the Far Northeast » Texas A&M University Press, p. 164-181.

Masse J, Girard M et Courchesne F (2010) «L’enfouissement en profondeur des témoins culturels dans les sols du site Paléoindien ancien de Cliche-Rancourt, Québec» 129-154. In Lowen B, Chapdelaine, C et Burke A (dir) «De l’archéologie analytique à l’archéologie sociale» Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec. Montréal. 292 pages.

Gray, J.T., Godin, E., Masse, J., Fortier, D. (2009) Trois décennies d’observation des fluctuations du régime thermique du pergélisol dans le parc national de la Gaspésie. Naturaliste Canadien, 133, 3, 69-77.