Catriona Catomeris, MSc 2018 with Sue Grayston
Tim Philpott, PhD 2018 with Cindy Prescott and Sue Grayston
Gabriel-Orrego, MSc 2018 with Suzanne Simard
Shalom Daniel Addo-Danso, PhD 2017 with Cindy Prescott and Rob Guy
Julia Amerongen Maddison, MSc 2016 with Suzanne Simard
Richa Anand, PhD 2010 with Sue Grayston
Jeff Anderson, MSc 2014 with Sue Grayston
Amanda Asay, MSc 2013 with Suzanne Simard
Nathan Basilko, PDF with Sue Grayston
Kevin Beiler, PhD 2011 with Suzanne Simard
Per Bengtson, PDF with Sue Grayston
Marcus Bingham, PhD 2010 with Suzanne Simard
Beth Brockett, MSc 2008 with Sue Grayston
Denise Brooks, PhD 2010 with Sue Grayston
Carolyn Churchland, PhD 2013 with Sue Grayston
Julie Deslippe, PDF with Suzanne Simard
Pedro Demitriu, PhD 2009 with Sue Grayston
Monika Gorzelak, PhD 2017 with Suzanne Simard
Shannon Guichon-Wright, PhD 2015 with Suzanne Simard
Meghan Laidlaw, MSc 2015 with Cindy Prescott
David Levy-Booth, PhD 2015 with Sue Grayston
Deon Louw, MSc 2016 with Suzanne Simard
Jacynthe Masse, PhD 2016 with Sue Grayston
Victor Nery, MSc 2012 with Cindy Prescott
Katarina Neufeld, MSc 2015 (Soil Science) with Sue Grayston, co-supervised by Sean Smukler (UBC Land and Food Systems)
Adolpho Pati, MSc 2014 with Cindy Prescott
Leanne Philip, PhD 2006 with Suzanne Simard
Ali Araghi Rahi, PhD 2014 with Cindy Prescott
Anya Reid, PhD 2016 with Cindy Prescott
Jesper Riis Christiansen, PDF with Sue Grayston and Cindy Prescott
Sara Rowland, MSc 2008 with Sue Grayston
Toktam Sajedi, PDF with Suzanne Simard
Yoriko Suzuki, MSc 2012 with Cindy Prescott
Josh Switzer, MSc 2010 with Cindy Prescott
Francois Teste, PhD 2008 with Suzanne Simard
Brendan Twieg, MSc 2006 with Suzanne Simard
Sophie Wertz, PDF with Sue Grayston
Henry Yang, MSc 2014 with Chris Chanway
Jenna Zukswert, MSc 2016 with Cindy Prescott
Matt Zustovic, MSc 2015 with Suzanne Simard