Dr. Sue Grayston
- microbial diversity and function in soils
- plant-microbe interactions
- rhizodeposition
- above- and below-ground plant herbivore-microbe interactions
- stable isotope probing
- climate change and soil C sequestration
Dr. Cindy Prescott

- rates of litter decomposition: controlling factors and influences of forestry practices
- influence of site and species on N availability
- effects of clearcutting and other silvicultural systems on N availability
- causes and amelioration of nutrient deficiencies
in cedar-hemlock cutovers - long-term effects of forest fertilization
- linking soil microbial and faunal communities and nutrient cycling processes
Dr. Suzanne Simard

- plant community ecology
- soil microbial ecology
- plant – soil microbial interactions
- mycorrhizae
- forest regeneration
- mixed broadleaf – conifer ecology and stand management
- competition and vegetation management
- stand dynamics and silviculture systems
Dr. Chris Chanway

- soil microbiology
- plant-microorganism interactions
- plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
- mycorrhizal fungi
- microbial diversity
- biological nitrogen fixation (symbiotic and asymbiotic)
- forest regeneration
- seedling growth